Web Village Walks

Friday, January 13, 2006

Tine Ponders 'Non-Damaging Ice Pellets'

While Tine's village was in the midst of a January thaw this morning, her blog featured an advertisement for ice pellets, extraordinarily enough:

Tine takes a particular interest in the ads on her site. She's observed that the ads are curiously tailored to the topics raised on her daily walks, and she has a hunch that she and Rubob are being followed.

The site that the ad linked to offered a product most intriguing to Tine: "non-damaging ice pellets." The cutting-edge pellets utilized an "environmentally friendly pellet formula," Tine noted.

Tine also takes a keen interest in ice pellets. As you may recall, it wasn't long ago that Tine was confronted with an unusual weather forecast for the next day:

Tine's trepidations regarding that forecast were chronicled in this entry in her blog:

One Hundred Percent Chance of Ice Pellets

"Non-damaging ice pellets sound like a very sensible idea," Tine thought this morning. In fact, Tine didn't know what ice pellets sound like because they'd never arrived, despite the 100 percent chance that they would. "But still," Tine thought, "If they were to arrive one day (and chances are that they will), I'd rather be pelted by friendly, non-damaging ice pellets than by usual kind. I could dispense with the hard hat that Rubob cautioned me to wear."

Tine had faced snow bombs on that icy, stormy day when ice pellets had been predicted, and she was well aware of what nature could hurl at her.

"I'll speak to Rubob," Tine thought. "Perhaps we can purchase some non-damaging ice pellets. They sound very practical."