Web Village Walks

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tine's Teapot

Many of you have sent postcards, telegrams and aerograms requesting a picture of Tine's teapot, presumably because it figures so prominently in the life of Tine.

Tine's teapot is of a shy, retiring nature, but because of its fondness for Tine it has consented to pose for one picture with her.

Needless to say, it's a simple teapot, one that knows its place in the larger scheme of things (beside the cutting board). While it's devoted itself largely to a life of service, enjoying nothing more than providing a nice cup of tea, the demands on it are small. It's able to live a richly rewarding contemplative life -- one that infuses it with a sense of well-being. It rounds out its quiet days with an occasional party among friends.

Tine's teapot has many friends -- most especially Tine and Rubob, of course, but also a colorful assortment of mugs and a few rather reserved, well-mannered cups and saucers. Even the humble teabag is a friend to Tine's teapot, because it allows for the occasional morning off.