Web Village Walks

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tine Relives Her Day, With Proper Headgear

In the moments before Tiny falls asleep each night, she relives her day all over again -- at least certain parts of her day, and most often parts of her daily walk. For Tine, it's a chance to reflect on what was, what is and what might have been. Tonight it was the latter that occupied her mind, or more precisely, her head. She might have followed Rubob's advice and worn a hard hat out there today. She hadn't heeded his sensible recommendation to protect her head against snow bombs. As a result, she might have been bonked on the head with a snow bomb, just as Rubob was when he set out for the world at large in the morning. As Tine dozed off in her cozy bed, with a hot water bottle beside her, she imagined herself wearing proper headgear for a day filled with snow bombs.

"Thanks for the advice," Rubob, she thought, as her head, weighted down by a hard hat, fell deeper and deeper into the pillow.