Web Village Walks

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Rained In

Tine and Rubob didn't go for a walk today, for reasons that are apparent in the photo below. After looking out the window and seeing a wet squirrel running down a wet driveway, Tine thought, "Let's check the pen barograph." But Tine and Rubob don't have a pen barograph, so Tine contented herself with a look at the digital barometer.

"Twenty-nine," Tine said to Rubob. "That's the lowest the barometer has been for a long time, and it's still falling. I'm not going out there."

"Why don't we go for a walk, Tine," Rubob replied, because sometimes Rubob doesn't listen.

Based on the barometric pressure, this is what it might have been like for Tiny if she'd gone out:

In fact, she wishes she'd gone for a walk this afternoon. All in all, it might have been very pleasant.