Web Village Walks

Friday, January 06, 2006

A Singly Intriguing Ad on Tine's Blog

Before Tine set out on her walk today, she noticed that the ads on her blog page were tailored to the words in the entries on her daily walks. "They must have a red pencil, Rubob, and they must be circling their favorite words."

"Who must be, Tine?" Rubob asked.

"The princes of commerce," Tine replied, because that's the phrase Rubob used to describe the shopkeepers and other busy people in the world at large.

Tine had noted that a lot of ads about snow had been inserted into her blog after a recent entry had related that she'd nearly been bonked on the head by snow bombs. There had been ads for snow screensavers, for snow-related items up for auction on eBay, for snow-filled holidays, and even for a sale on falling snow.

"I thought snow was free, Rubob," Tine said.

"Nothing is free in this world, Tine," Rubob said, "but even if it's on sale, I think we have quite enough of it for the time being."

Tine, reflecting on yesterday's entry in her blog, which had chronicled her ramblings on Rameses I, said "I'll bet we see ads about mummies before long." And sure enough, this afternoon, Egyptian ads started appearing on her blog.

"Look, Tine, an ad for Egyptian singles," Rubob said.

"Mummies must get lonely like anyone else." Tine said. "That might explain why they go to the orthodontist -- or at least why the orthodontist goes to them," she added, alluding to a curious fact recounted on yesterday's daily walk.

Tine is setting out on today's walk right now. "In all likelihood, it's going to be a very pleasant walk," she thought. "But really, one never knows. Walks are entirely unpredictable. Maybe we'll unearth an Egyptian scarab."